Saturday, December 10, 2022

Like a pink house

 Poem inspired by All This Could Be Different by Sarah Thankam Mathews

I want to love you like a pink house where we eat dinner with all our friends and family every night. 

I want to love you like my body is celery so I can be the very fiber of your being.

I want to love you like a manifesto, believing in the power of the universe to change.

I want to love you like the moon, always round, even when I can always see a sliver.

I want to love you like a dandelion in the wintertime, weak and lopsided and painfully colorful.

I want to love you like my very life depends on it. Because it does. 

Sunday, December 4, 2022

The seven sisters 2

 We love a series...

The Holyoke mountain range is a giant

Lying east-west so one side of her is always

Too cold and one side too hot. 

She lives in the edge of discomfort and remembers 

There used to be giant beavers in this valley

And glaciers and moose and once long ago

She was the ocean.

Can you imagine

The electricity of being shaded on one side in the cool damp

Of hemlocks and sweeping mossy carpets

And on the other the smooth, hot shivering trunks

Of birches, beech, and goldenrod? 

Can you imagine containing multitudes--

The beavers, the moose, 

The hemlock, the beech, 

And the ocean? 

The seven sisters

The peaks of Norwatuk and Bear flush pink 

In the slanting sunlight, mirroring your cheeks

The Metacomet-Monadnock trail

Lies across the ridge of the Holyoke

Mountain range. I want to tread each step

Of that path until I know its every 

Evergreen. Every moss and princess pine

And quaking aspen. (Is it clear that the 

Mountains are a metaphor for you?)