Saturday, April 21, 2018

Napowrimo day 21: narsissus


Song of narcissus:

Narsissus flower looks a lot like a dafodil
Vibrant face surrounded by a mane of petals
Bent and staring silently into the water
Pride was the original sin.

Crush a petal
And smell the residue released from the soft petal
Pause to enjoy the sweetness of your own fingertips.
Pride was the original sin.

The wind caresses the edge of the flower
Pushing it gently back and forth
It enjoys the juxtaposition of the breeze and the sunlight.
Pride was the original sin.

Take in the lake.
And the sunlight warming your back
And the warmth of the sunlight reflected in the lake
And all the vibrant trees growing into the sky.
Take it in and fall in love
Pride was the original sin.

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