Saturday, April 7, 2018

Napowrimo day 7: power and vulnerability

We're on one week!! Here's some more thoughts from my brainpan.

In the mornings when I wake up
I am a runner. I pull on
My shoes and tattoo my defiance
Into the earth. Every footstep
Is as loud as I can shout at
The sun. Proof that I can carry
My body on my own two legs.
A declartion of the strength
In my calves and thighs as ritual.
With every morning sun as my
Witness, I am a runner.

Some nights I go out and
I am a dancer and
A rather adept one
At that, watch me twirl in
Graceful circles around
My partners. Watch me move
As proof of my freedom.
Watch me use dance to play.
See the joy in my face
As I alamand and
Add an extra flourish
So that my skirt spins out
Exactly as I mean
It to. My glitter is a
Mural on my face. My
Skirt is a triumphant
Victory flag. Witness,
I am a dancer.

Sometimes I am walking alone and a stranger
Catcalls me
And I am a woman.
Someone knocks into me at the bus stop
And *I* apologize.
I don't make eye contact with men because then they think they're
Entitled some of my time and as much
As I'd like to tell them they're wrong
Pissing off strange men is considered bad for woman's health.
When I run I am as strong as steal and as powerful flowing water.
When I dance I am as light as a feather and as beautiful as an ocean sunset.
But when I am made feel helpless.
Is when I am woman.

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