Monday, March 5, 2018

A psa

Please stop blaming consumers for destroying the climate.
Yes, recycling is important and it's great if you're mindful of your personal impact on the climate. But here's the thing. Even if very single person in America never used a plastic straw again, even if we all brought reusable bags to the grocery store, even if we all carpooled to work, the environment wouldn't be saved.
Because there would still be miles and miles of factories polluting gallons and gallons of polluted water into water sources. There would still be acres upon acres of factory farms depleting soil and killing fish enmass.
Here's what you *can* do:
1) consume mindfully. vote with your money, when possible. When you give money to companies who have policies in line with environmental policies you support, you're sending the message to this company that you want more of this and to other companies that they should be more like this. Boycotts have made some successful movements in history.
2) write. If you can, write letters, if not, send emails. Send them to companies asking them to directly change their policies. Send information to your friends about which companies are better to support and write to your local, state, and national government asking them to regulate big business and protect the environment from big business.
3) vote. It may feel futile but your vote can and will make a difference. Vote for local, state, and national representatives that will regulate big business and protect the environment. Vote for policies that do the same, if you can. Get others to sign up and vote. Get involved with a local campaign.
Someday we will overthrow the oppressive and exploitative capitalist system we all live under. And in the mean time, don't worry too hard about your reusable grocery bags.

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