Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Nano day 5: Fog

How to get rid of unwanted spirits

I've been having trouble sleeping this week
It's a week too late for Halloween but
I still find my sleep troubled by your ghost.
You come to me in the depths of my sub-
Conscious. Dressed in a white sheet with holes cut
For the eyes "The better to see you with,
My dear." You come to me wrapped in chains, or
No, you wrap me in chains and drag me down
And then, instead of fighting I try and
Teach myself to breath water. I wake up
Oxygen starved with my apology
On my blue lips, "I'm sorry I can't breathe
Underwater. I'm sorry I need so
Much air." But each morning I am learning
To set my ghosts to rest. I finish un-
finished business. I smudge cedar and leave
Offerings of fruit and the prettiest
Crystals I can find. Maybe tomorrow
Night I'll even try pulling off your sheet.

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