Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Subway song

The subway is a vocal creature
Squeaking as it races down the rails.
Taking turns by force
Shaking with the pleasure of speed
And gritty power
It moans beneath me.

Sunday, March 18, 2018

Springtime haikus

I love to watch the
Snowdrops sping out of the ground
The rain, I love less.

I love to bear my
Arms to the sky and proclaim
"Now I am alive"

I love to see the
Buds on the trees and smell the
Grass growing. Spring comes.

Its hard to be queer

 It's hard to be queer when you don't like poetry or astrology
When you don't look the cute futch part exactly
With your pierced eyebrow and your shaved undercut and your plaid flannel shirt.
Your slim body and hip bones that poke into your high waisted faded jeans.

Its hard to be queer and fat and trans and not able bodied and not neurotypical and not white and just sad some days.

It's hard to be queer and American but it's harder to be queer and Russian or queer and Packistani or queer and Iraqui.

It's hard to be queer and in love but it's harder to be queer and single.

Queer and alone.



This is the second time in three days I'm on a bus, grinning like an idiot and thinking of you.
Thinking of how soft your lips would be
Thinking of the tiny gasps you would make when I bit your throat
Thinking of how you're all soft places and curves and gives and how have you survived the world chewing you up and spitting you out with all that soft intact?
The color of the sky just after the sun sets below the horizon reminds me of the feeling in the pit of my stomach when you smiled at me.
The rumbling of the road keeps me company while I try to conjure your voice in my ears
Your hands on my skin
Thinking of you.

Dom's song

For Amanda

Your pulse pounds out a rapid beat that runs
From your neck to my fingertips and I
Know that this feeling cannot be outdone
By anything: I know your soul is mine.

I would make every nerve within you sing
And watch you squirm, shiver, and squeal for show.
I would see you gift wrapped up in string
Wrists bound up, and desperate moans pitched low

My teeth ache for your sweet and tender flesh
I long to see you writhe, whimper, and beg
For mercy. I would like to see you blush
Down your face and chest and in between your legs

Bringing you ever closer to the sweet
Release you crave. The death you want to meet.

Monday, March 5, 2018

Driving west

Drive west into the sunset.
Watch the golden light sink below the horizon.
You'll find me there in the sunlight reflected off the car hoods and headlights.
In between notes of bad pop songs and
Warm hands on shoulders and peanuts for the road and
The empty bottles of Arizona iced teas on the floor of the passenger seats and the the frozen lakes and hawks soaring overhead.
Find me in the easy and mindless chatter and the slushy sweet bottom of seven eleven coffees.
I hope your memory of me lingers here by the roadside forever.

*for T and A

A psa

Please stop blaming consumers for destroying the climate.
Yes, recycling is important and it's great if you're mindful of your personal impact on the climate. But here's the thing. Even if very single person in America never used a plastic straw again, even if we all brought reusable bags to the grocery store, even if we all carpooled to work, the environment wouldn't be saved.
Because there would still be miles and miles of factories polluting gallons and gallons of polluted water into water sources. There would still be acres upon acres of factory farms depleting soil and killing fish enmass.
Here's what you *can* do:
1) consume mindfully. vote with your money, when possible. When you give money to companies who have policies in line with environmental policies you support, you're sending the message to this company that you want more of this and to other companies that they should be more like this. Boycotts have made some successful movements in history.
2) write. If you can, write letters, if not, send emails. Send them to companies asking them to directly change their policies. Send information to your friends about which companies are better to support and write to your local, state, and national government asking them to regulate big business and protect the environment from big business.
3) vote. It may feel futile but your vote can and will make a difference. Vote for local, state, and national representatives that will regulate big business and protect the environment. Vote for policies that do the same, if you can. Get others to sign up and vote. Get involved with a local campaign.
Someday we will overthrow the oppressive and exploitative capitalist system we all live under. And in the mean time, don't worry too hard about your reusable grocery bags.