Thursday, December 31, 2020

For Keyra's Birthday

 To build a life with you

To take all your bowls 

And all my bowls 

And figure out how they nest inside each other

Inside the kitchen cabinet that's a little too small

And if (when) a bowl breaks

dropped by a careless hand (probably mine) 

Onto a distant floor

We will patch it together with band aids and kisses and say

"This is something we have built"

Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Flirtationship of the poodles

 My neighbors have two black poodles 

Hopping about in their high fenced yard

Is this what it means to love?

Thursday, December 24, 2020

Love poem for the non-monogamous

My love is not a bird trapped in the cage of your fingers

My love is not a patient record of each of the starts in the night sky

My love is a wilder thing then this

My love is a lion's hunger as it devours another living thing

My love is the sound of music over a car engine loud and late

My love is the pancakes I made and then compost last Sunday

Because I love to dream and I can let a bad thing go when I must

My friend Robin told me they want to build the wood and hope foundation of love 

From the ground up, add walls and a roof

But I tire of square shapes

My love is a language, taken, not forgotten

My love is the language of smells, I know it as I breathe but I don't have the words

My love is the language of a baby: new, full of potential, and utterly meaningless

My love speaks and I take pause and then 

I shout what I hear to anyone who will listen because to be known, 

For just a moment, is beautiful

My love is the wind and it is infinitive and powerful and chaotic and with time 

It moves mountains

Sunday, December 6, 2020

found poem

As found in the "Armenian kids get secret Santa" of the Local First: Your Weekly Guide to Shopping

Send children on her ancestral quest.
Is there matter?
Recieve gifts amid winter.
Drive to children and recieve hundreds.
Leave everything behind at second snow.
Its cold after decades.
Over to home.