Thursday, September 26, 2019

Haikus on Climate Change

Leave it in the ground
It took billions of years
To get there. Leave it.

Leave it in the ground.
Good fuck! The science is clear!
You're killing us fast.

Leave it in the ground.
The sky weeps and the ground is
On fire and the seas rise.

Leave it in the ground.
No one else will save the world,
We must save ourselves.

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

A nursery tale

Nabokav's balls sit in a wooden box I keep on my beside table
One end is smooth sack and the other is jagged, like little roots
Or many bloody uvulas, flapping without sound perhaps
My best friend has the balls of Kerouac
My roommate claims to have one of the testicles that belonged to John Muir
But it's so pulverized it's genuinely hard to tell.
Please, tell me again what it is: literature?
Is it fantasy?
A lesson to be learned?
A radical political expression?
An original thought?
If you're curious
Nabokov's balls smell like little girl.