Monday, February 24, 2020

Maple Sap

Evening delight

We crept into the woods
Stole sap with our sticky bear paws
Or no, that’s no quite right
The sap is a gift
Given freely by the trees.
If something can’t be owned, it can’t be stolen, after
All. And we did not creep
We held silence, listening and talking
So that we might hear each other’s
Voices along side the wind and the sweet maples and
The night. The sweet sappy night
Reminding us that in the midst of long, grey winters
Springtime is coming
So fast that the sap gushes up the trees
Freely flowing into our buckets so that we might share in its stored joy
We told each other secrets of our lives, our loves
We told the trees secrets with our sticky faces
Hands cold from scoop sweetness out of full buckets
The forest gives and we receive, grateful for
Its generosity

Thursday, February 20, 2020

Orion to the South

Three stars in your belt
Three fates
Past, present, future
One twinkling eye between them
The fates, the stars and me all shiver against the cold
I told myself this year it would bring clarity
When the cold cuts through the dry skin of my face
Cracking my lips
God it hurts to smile

What are you hunting star boy?
When I look up at the sky,
When I ask you questions
What truth is there
In the little white lies of your belt?

Star boy you seem so far away
Spread yourself across the milky way
Lay yourself across the sky
Like you used to lay yourself across my bed
Star boy I miss you in my bed

I'm not sure if the cold is bringing clarity
Or if I'm just learning to love the pain.

Thursday, February 13, 2020

A love poem to fight climate change

And she whispers “I love you too”

You tell her you love her in the long hours you spend hunched over your desk
Learning their names in latin:
Acer Rubrum, Acer saccharum, Acer saccharinum
(They too sound like poetry in your mouth).
The names run over your tongue, minty like black birch (Betula lenta) just under the bark.
You spell your love to her in the boot treads you leave,
Drawing lines across fresh snow, leaving traces of you in the mud,
Keeping the company of the prints of white tailed deer and New England cottontail.
You whisper you love her like a prayer when you see news
Of fires in California and Australia and record
Hot days at the poles,
You tell her you love her when she turns your back tan from long days in the sun
You love her with every stroke of your shovel into rich soil
Every hole you dig to nurture the beginnings of another living thing.
You tell her you love her with the stroke of your pen against paper that used to be a tree
Addressing the envelope to your town hall, state representatives, national congress
And when your feet fall on asphalt streets
In time with the other feet, lined up footstep to footstep, shoulder to shoulder
Waving blue-green signs and singing for a future
You know she hears you murmur,
Low under the rhythm of the crowd, that you love her.

And if you listen close,
Under the shouting of Jays in the fall,
Or the rush of a pregnant river at snow-melt
The chickadees and nuthatches outside your window at sunrise
The red maples blushing with joy every springtime
She’s saying “I love you too.”

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Body series 19

This poem draws inspiration from my salsa teacher, Andrea Gibson, and the Hampshire College meme page. Thanks also to my roommate Mira who pointed out that not all power has to be masculine. 

Queer as in Fuck You

Do not mistake pretty for trustworthy
My pronouns are they/them/not yours
My lipstick is that shade of red because I have made it out of the blood of the men I have eaten
Like I will eat you too.

You call me girl and I say "not-girl"
You call me lady, woman, goddess
And I shrug these off like ill-fitting dresses
And you say "silly girl"

But I'm a flavor of femme that you've never held in your mouth
A flavor that you'll never taste--not even if you're lucky
And the fact that you'll never hold this femme inside you--
Does it drive you mad?
Does it make you angry?

My lipstick doesn't blush my lips so they are easier for you to find in the back seat of your shitty car
My lipstick is a reminder of the blood I have shed to get here
A call to my lips--notice me!
A call to my mouth--that I might be better heard against the sea of misogyny

These heels lift me up in the world,
So that I may see eye to eye
And I shave the sides of my head so that you remember there is a skull underneath my soft, tumbling hair
I pierce my own face with metal--a warning
If I could do this to my own face, just think how I could fuck you up...

Not gay as in happy but queer as in fuck you

Monday, February 3, 2020

number 39

The number 39 rounds the corner and suddenly all of it is blazing brilliant bright in the winter sun.
This magic of metals and mirrors
To take one light source and make it two
Twice as bright
Twice as alive 
Living, beating, roaring around the corner and coming to a halt
Ready, pregnant, waiting
To take me to my next adventure