Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Body series 10

A list of ten of the most beautiful words in the english language

1) epoch: (noun) the time it takes between my alarm going off in the morning and when I open my eyes and the measure of the sunlight on my eyelids

2) epiphany: (noun) that Thursday afternoon when sunlight poured into the room like honey and I looked in the mirror and noticed the way my eyes were glowing

3) sonorous: (adjective) when I sing in the car with the radio cranked up as loud as it will go and the snow swirling around me the beat and the gas pedal pressed down to the floor

4) serendipity: (noun) the angle of my hip bones against my skin and the musculature of the legs beneath them

5) nefarious: (adjective) the ache in my lips and the pit of my stomach when the wind whispers "kiss me" through the trees

6) ineffable: (adjective) the perfect swirls of dark hair in my armpits and the way they compliment my biceps

7) eloquence: (noun) the sound of each foot slapping the pavement, one after the other

8) effervescence: (noun) the act of my lungs expanding my whole chest, pushing open the cage of my ribs for air

9) ephemeral: (adjective) the way the calluses on the pads of my finger grow stronger with every day I use the tendons and muscles in my hands to hold myself in this world

10) aurora: (noun) this body and this mind in agreement and the way they think "we are here. now"

Monday, February 25, 2019

Body series 9 (a reimagining of mixed metaphors)

"I treat my body like a temple" she says
And her words spin into the air thoughts of high mountain monasteries
The chill of the air upon a pristine rock garden
No traveler has ever before laid eyes on.
I think of thin mountain air that will not nourish the travel's lungs:
Leaves her trying to breathe a full breath.
I think of tall strong walls and a closed gate
And the grey of eternal winter.

"I also treat my body like a temple," I agree
But I mean that I will welcome
Anyone who knocks on my gates in good faith.
My body is a temple with huge doors and huge windows
To let the light in.
My body is a temple in the biggest city on the best traveled road you know.

My body is the sort of temple where
The spires are worn smooth and polished by many hands
It is the sort of temple that holds an abundance of
Plush pillows lounging on my pews.
It is bejeweled by stained glass windows
That transforms all light into God.

My body shelters weary travelers with storied hands
Who hold my warmth like a miracle,
And echoes high priests who recite its history with their clever tongues
from the pulpit,
And echoes back the sweetest songs of the most beautiful women from the beautiful curves
Of its ceilings and walls.
My body is a temple and I would delight in offering
Any pilgrim who kneels before me a temporary salvation.

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Beowulf parody: Act 1

Act 1

The first place Monya stopped, in her silver chariot
With her life packed in the back
Was a big brown house in the land of cows and dirt roads
And the cows greeted her with a sweetness
She had never tasted
And the roads rumbled their casual solitude
Every time Monya’s silver chariot rolled across them.

It was summertime in the land of cows and dirt roads
And the days were long and lazy
And filled with the ballads of Adele
And the smell of hay.

On one of her days of leisure, Monya, lover of dirt
Determined that that day of leisure would be the first test of her mettle
She stepped into the sunlight’s clear view
And bared her chest to that most powerful star.

The sun saw her and decided in her aloof curiosity
To send the most powerful of creatures, neither cruel nor kind
To pass judgement on Monya, lover of the earth.

The beast came out of the wood in tooth and claw and fur
And Monya opened her bare chest to the creature
And took it in her strong arms.
In it felt her wrap around it and judged her worthy.
And as it decided it melted back into the woods
As quickly as it came.
And thus Monya had proved her mettle in the first of her adventures
In the land of cows and dirt roads.

Monya met many brave women of the earth in that summertime
Eager to hear of her encounter with the creature of tooth and claw and fur
And boldest was Maddy with hair of sunlight
Who wiped dust from Monya’s face
And kissed Monya with lips as soft as the naked earth
And hands as rough as the raw mountaintops
And whispered kindness into the lopsided ears of her hound.

But Maddy with the sunlight hair and her lopsided hound
Disappeared with the dawn. They took Monya’s
Trousers for memories and Monya was left wander the dirt roads
In bare feet, search of the rising sun.

She looked about but the trees whispered taunts
And the ground prickled at her bare feet.
There were no signs of cows or other travelers
And then--
The smell of sun cooked hay
Monya breathed deeply and began to walk
With tired tread, and thus
She found the sun and her home.

That day in the land of cows and dirt roads
The sun rose and whispered death into the ear of the king of that land
So that he did make a sacrifice of birds of the sky
Who were earthbound with gluttony.

And the king of the land of cows and dirt roads
Called upon Monya, lover of the earth
To help with this sacrifice. So that she too
Did spill the blood of the birds of the sky.
And that day as she spilled blood
She listened to death work next to her.
And by the end of the day Monya, lover of the dirt
Had heard the secrets death whispers
In a voice too low for most souls to hear.

Death had told her of her next adventure
And so the next sunrise Monya, lover of dirt
Packed up her life in the back of her silver chariot

And drove again, into the sunset.

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Beowulf Parody Introduction

So, the dancers, in days gone by
Worshiped many heroes with their endless
Internet and the greatest of those was
Monya, of the earth, sky, water, and fire.

Monya, beloved daughter of Rose and Steve
Rose and Steve who together slew the great
Beast of Frisbee. Monya, from a long line
Of empowering men and powerful
Women. Great leaders and fighters and lovers.
And the greatest of them all was Monya.

Monya, who one day while in the tallest branches of an apple tree
Heard the call of the earth and sky
Saying “Come, play with us.
“There is much we would show you if you would listen.”

So Monya, lover of the dirt, packed her life
Into her silver chariot and drove

Into the setting sun.

Monday, February 4, 2019

Winter in Western Massachusetts

The star boy looks over the snow
With his club hanging from his belt,
The biting cold makes him shine all the brighter
He is the only one tonight
Not counting down the days until spring.