Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Napowrimo day 3: made up titles

Chapters of my life so far

I am born or the beginning of the universe
I make a friend or I learn to use magic
I deal with anxiety or the world ends on a nightly basis
I go through middle school or the Pitts of hell
I go to powell house or sometimes I'm allowed to be happy
I examine my self identiy or the first brick in a wall that will never be high enough
I move out or the beginning of my one woman battle against the world
I get a boyfriend or I am the worst queer
I leave said boyfriend or I begin to improve my queer quotient
I work at summer camp or skinny dipping in stars
I learn to dance and run a half marathon or loving my body
I leave college or the first day of the rest of my life
I farm for a while or the year of eternal summer
I work for the ECC or relearning that I am enough
I get another boyfriend or owning my queerdom
I move to New York city or if I can make it here

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