Monday, April 9, 2018

Napowrimo day 8: a magical realism

"Recipe for disaster"

*disclaimer: this is not my poem to write*


3 hours of sleep

A lot of weed

A society that constantly  bombards you with messages devaluing your rights, personhood, and opinions

Personal experience with abuse

A kind of shitty but somewhat hot man

Optional: shame


1) mix together the oppressive society and personal history of abuse. Let sit for a childhood. Results should look like an emotional mess. If the results have some semblance of self confidence or emotional stability, add shame until those impulses are gone.

2) slowly mix the asshole man into the recipe. Add bits at a time. Just so you're always charmed by his asshole hijinks. If the recipe starts to seperate from the asshole at any time, just pour more shame and social conditioning into the recipe.

3) hotbox the kitchen. Just get unbelievably, tremendously high. Do not inhale oxygen. Only inhale weed.

4) once you are completely physically unable and socially unwilling to stand up for yourself, the hot man will decide it is time to put the recipe in the oven.

5) bake. You will be unable to say no.

6) recipe may seem unenthusiastic, even unwilling to be cooked. Ignore it.

7) let recipe cool in its own shame and regret.

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