Monday, April 30, 2018

Napowrimo day 30: unbelievable facts

At the earth's equator, the earth is spinning at about 1,000 miles per hour.
And I have trouble sitting still.

My hands are always moving.
They draw, they finger knit, they tie braids in scarves or hair or little bits of string they found somewhere.
I always spill water when I'm trying to pour it.
Or rice or pasta or cereal.
Too much movement to put in whatever container I'm trying for.

And the earth is revolving around the sun at about 67,000 miles per hour.
And I have trouble sitting still.

I go out a lot.
To see friends, to dance, to make music, to farm, some weeks I clock over 60 hours just at work.
A friend once asked me how I did it and I joked
I fall asleep every time I sit down.
I fallen asleep every single day on the subway to work
For the past two weeks.

And the solar system is turning within the galaxy at 514,000 mph
And I have trouble sitting still.

I don't remember last time I slept in a bed for longer than ten days
I run every morning in hopes of pounding my restlessness into the ground
I tried to learn spanish but I couldn't stick with it. 
I set fires to see what will burn.
I make explosive art but I'm never around for long enough to finish a project. I've started writing four novels in the last year but didn't make it the first chapter in any of them. I've fucked so many people in the past year I've lost count. I'm not sure what day of the week it is and I don't know what time it is because my watch broke and I don't have the time to go out and buy a new one and the milky way galaxy is moving through space at 1.3 million miles per hour and

I have trouble sitting still.

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