Sunday, April 15, 2018

Napowrimon Day 15: humanizing your villians

"Nostrand ave"

First: please stop.
You make me feel unsafe.
It's not a compliment.

Second: I'm sure
You have women in your
life. Do you catcall
Them too?

Third: I am
White. You are black. I know
There are upsetting race
Dynamics at play here.

I do not know what
It feels like to have my
Culture and history ripped
From the hands of my ancestors
And left raw and bloodied
And with the word "black"

I do not know how 
It feels to be afraid of the
Police. But I know

Fifth: What it
feels like to feel unsafe
Walking home. Clutching at the
Pepper spray in my pocket
Like a prayer.

Sixth: When are
you afraid for your life? 
Certainly not when

Seventh: I turn
and tell you "That's not an
Ok way to talk to women"
And you scream "bitch"
To my retreating back.

Eight: How many
Times have you walked
Home with your gaze trained
Over your shoulder? How many
Times have you kept your ears
Tuned around silent headphones,
Listening for any footsteps 
Following you? 

Nine: How can
I condemn you?

Ten: How can
I forgive you?

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