Sunday, April 15, 2018

Napowrimo day 14: dream dictionary

Hello, my name is Monya Relles and I'm an expert in dreams and imaginary worlds. I've been dreaming and practicing unconsciousness nearly every single night for over 20 years. Some of you may be familiar with the time I slept through every single one of my AP american classes junior year of high school or the time I fell asleep durring sex and proceeded to talk about oysters in my sleep. Nonetheless, dreaming can be challenging, confusing, and disorienting for beginners so without further ado here is an incomplete dream dictionary.

Place a coin in your mouth so you'll have something to pay the ferry man.
He only accepts cash.
Where are you going?
Why is it so hard to get there?
Who are you fighting?
If you stopped fighting the current, where would you end up?

Did you know that the term redneck is not only a classist but also racist?
Red neck is often asscociated with people who do manual labor all day--
Turning their necks a burnt red day after day under the hot sun.
Red neck is also a racial slur aimed at the Appalachian farmers 
Who intermarried with the local native tribes
Coming from the degragtory term "redskin"

Stacked neatly, strong
In layers. Who's kept
In and who gets
Kept out? 

Tea cup:
Generations of women pushed your foremothers and forefathers out of their vaginas
So that you could be born.
All of human history leading to you.
Take a sip.
Be careful not to spill anything.

Dentist chair:
Fear. Dark. Pain. Night.
Have you ever been asked a question you knew you could never answer?
How many things do you want to do every day?
How present are you in every action? 

Sex. Tomatoes mean sex.

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